SmartMuse Startup takes just ten minutes every Monday to get a week’s worth of engaging content

Brief smartmuse
on the article specifics (7’)

Once you have configured smartmuse with your core brand elements, it’s time to let us know what you want to include in the article (target audience, problems you want to address, how you respond to them, etc.).
Sounds familiar with what you shared in the initial configuration?

It is, but now you want to be more specific, and that will be the key success factor of the copy quality and efficiency.

Do you want more? Build a content strategy and calendar using the three-step content framework (see below). Or, if you prefer, we can run it for you.

Get three variations
around the same theme (30”)

Smartmuse will produce three variations around the same article. The first variation is aimed at an audience who doesn’t know your brand. You need to show that your company understands the market, understands the audience’s problem that you want to address, and understands who you are as a company.

The second variation is aimed at an audience who knows your brand and needs to understand how you executed your solutions with previous clients. (You won’t need this variation, if you don’t have a client success story as yet.)

The third variation is aimed at an audience who needs to realise that your products and services are the ideal answers to their problems.

Post on LinkedIn during the week
and cover your funnel (1’30”)

You may have heard of the rule of three, where the brain finds it easier to remember information if thoughts are organised into buckets of three.

We applied this thinking with our three-step content strategy framework.

You’ll find more details below, but the idea is to organise your content upfront so, within a month, you’re able to cover your full spectrum of audience maturity and match the problems you address with the solutions you offer.

Try it out, and let us know what you think!

Begin with our one-time, 15-minute configuration

Here’s our online configuration tool to pre-load SmartMuse StartUp with your company’s DNA.
You’ll be asked about your company’s unique selling proposition (USP), your positioning and your ICP (ideal customer profile)

This is THE key to guiding the AI to produce content aligned with your company’s tone of voice, brand identity and positioning statement.

The methodology is built on our 30 years of experience. (Anyone who says there’s a shortcut to this kind of experience is wrong :)

It takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you only need to do it once!