Smartmuse Enterprise strengthens
your marketing-to-sales content framework
a unique cross-units methodology

Since 2018, venture capital and private equity firms have engaged Leadnostic (SmartMuse’s mother company) to look at tech companies in their portfolio to address the operational roadblocks preventing them from scaling.

Content generation framework is, of course, a central topic and, most of the time, will reveal the areas that need to be strengthened; from brand to personas, from lead generation to product signals.

Good content will impact ARR through three main KPIs

  • Lead Generation optimisation: more MQL volume, better MQL-to-Opportunity ratio leading to higher average opportunity value.

  • Sales cycle velocity: better MQLs & SQLs qualification, faster sales cycle, sales pitch & closing optimisation.

  • Product roadmap & launch veracity: sync roadmap with market evolution, launch to the right ICP/personas/early adopters, scaling process and acceleration.