Smartmuse Business, puts your AI-generated content in very safe human hands

We understand your time is precious, and it’s always challenging to find time to write articles, as well as the pressure of publishing them at a regular frequency.

What if you could leverage AI’s power and cost efficiency with the help of a senior copywriter, to turn your content into personal, engaging and powerful communications?

This is what Smartmuse Human is about, and here is how it works:

Configuration, Step 1: We map your company’s DNA

During a workshop, we’ll map your company’s DNA, including your brand, ideal customer profile, personas you target, tone of voice, etc. This will help to create the first draft of smartmuse configuration (the reference prompt). We will also agree on a content strategy.

Configuration, Step 2: We train the AI
Our copywriter will craft a control copy batch to show the quality level when a human is briefed with the Step 1 elements. The content is fed to the AI, which will use it as an initial benchmark.

Optimisation: We update your smartmuse every month. Twice.
We first run the AI by feeding it with the most engaging content published during the past two months.
When completed, we run a second training with a new control batch, hand-crafted by our copywriters, then we’re ready for the next period.

*Option: We create & publish your content on LinkedIn
Combining our three-step content framework with the content strategy we agreed on during Step 1.